Navigating Complexities: Overcoming Misdiagnosis with Targeted Psychiatric Treatment and Gradual Return to Work

Employee faced with mental health challenges
Services Provided
Mental Health Assessment, Psychiatric Treatment, Gradual Return to Work (GRTW), Continuous Medical Updates
Executive Summary
This case study delves into the challenges faced by an employee, who experienced recurrent absences due to undiagnosed comorbid mental health conditions, primarily Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression, stemming from childhood. The study details the journey through misdiagnosis, delayed psychiatric assessment, subsequent treatment, and the potential need for a Gradual Return to Work (GRTW) nearing the Long-Term Disability (LTD) transition date.
The Employee's recurrent absences, initially attributed to a history of depression, persisted despite short-term treatments. An acute relapse led to paranoia, emphasizing the need for urgent intervention and an immediate referral to an Emergency Mental Health (EMH) program.
Upon psychiatric assessment, it was discovered that the Employee’s diagnosis was incorrect, and comorbid PTSD alongside depression required focused treatment. A regimen of 12 psychiatric sessions was initiated to address extreme to severe symptoms. Acclaim Ability Management Consultant (AMC) coordinated with the healthcare provider (HCP) to ensure continuous updates during The Employee’s absence.
The revised diagnosis led to a more targeted treatment plan. However, the delay in identifying the comorbid conditions necessitated a potential GRTW recommendation spanning 4-5 weeks, aligning closely with the LTD transition date. This comprehensive approach aimed to facilitate The Employee’s gradual reintegration into the workforce while managing their mental health needs.
Client Testimonial

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